Installing Weka

Download the latest stable version or the developer branch of Weka. You can also build the developer branch from the SVN repository:

# checkout weka 
svn co
# build weka using apache ant
ant -f weka/build.xml exejar

Installing AffectiveTweets

Install AffectiveTweets1.0.2 using the WekaPackageManager:

java -cp $WEKA_PATH/weka.jar weka.core.WekaPackageManager -install-package AffectiveTweets

Make sure you have installed version 1.0.2 to run the examples.

In case of having problems with the Weka packages repository, install the package as follows:

java -cp $WEKA_PATH/weka.jar weka.core.WekaPackageManager -install-package

Building AffectiveTweets

You can also build the package from the Github version using the project’s build-package.xml file with the ant build tool. This is very useful if you want to modify the code or contribute with a new feature.

# clone the repository
git clone
cd AffectiveTweets

# Download additional files

# Build the package using apache ant
ant -f build_package.xml make_package

# Install the built package 
java -cp $WEKA_PATH/weka.jar weka.core.WekaPackageManager -install-package dist/

Testing AffectiveTweets

The software can be tested using Junit test cases. The package must either be installed or JVM must be started in AffectiveTweets directory.

# run all tests
ant -f build_package.xml run_tests_all 

Other Useful Packages

We recommend installing other useful packages for classification, regression and evaluation:

java -cp $WEKA_PATH/weka.jar weka.core.WekaPackageManager -install-package LibLINEAR
java -cp $WEKA_PATH/weka.jar weka.core.WekaPackageManager -install-package LibSVM
java -cp $WEKA_PATH/weka.jar weka.core.WekaPackageManager -install-package RankCorrelation
  • Snowball-stemmers: This package allows using the Porter stemmer as well as other Snowball stemmers.
java -cp $WEKA_PATH/weka.jar weka.core.WekaPackageManager -install-package snowball-stemmers
  • The WekaDeepLearning4j package can be installed for training deep neural networks and word embeddings.